apex apiary

making each day
just a little sweeter

Our Pollinators

Collecting Pollen

Pollen is the super food for the brood. Humans have also been known to consume it in order to help with allergies.


Honeybees are able to use their bodies and connect to form a bridge in order to measure empty spaces and build comb.

Managing Population

Bees do an amazing job of organization within the hive. Thankfully they appreciate a helping hand now and then.

Part of the Solution

Bees work hard, but they need our help.  Learning how to become a beekeeper by finding a good mentor or supporting your local, responsible apiaries can go a long way.  We are dedicated to keeping bees as naturally as possible.  Contact us to find out more.

Honey with a story.

     Many of us are on a quest for pure food sources.  We wont live forever if we find perfect food, but all of us know intuitively on some level that real, unadulterated food is best and helps us with our health long term.

This is why we have been on a quest to improve our food situation for over 20 years.  Our children were born with sever food allergies which made us dig up the pedigree of every bite of food.  This led us to begin mid-scale regenerative farming, and our passion for pure honey.

Even honey as natural of a thing it is, is not immune from being adulterated.  Far from it!  With chemicals, pesticides, counterfeiting, loop holes in labeling, it is harder to find trusted sources.

That is why we always recommend you find a local, organically minded beekeeper in your area that is willing to teach and show you their operation.  Good beekeepers love to teach and will explain what tools and treatments they use.

     For us we never wanted to go commercial.  We wanted to grow a beekeeping business, and community teaching from the very beginning with little to no treatment if possible, and really target healthy bees that were happy, and in good environments as a first priority.  Bees being agriculture, and with the tendency for greed, it is just too easy to keep pouring on the chemicals to get out the $$$.

We strive to always learn and keep bees as natural as possible.  That is why we are experimenting with Layens hives in remote locations, and will only treat with honey safe Oxalic Acid if absolutely necessary for mite control.    


     With this, we are pleased to announce a special 2023 Fireweed honey harvest.  We did something special with this one from start to finish!

First we took bees that were “new” for 2023 and of course we don’t buy bees that are left overs from the California pollination transport system so that way ensure they are “chemical free” bees.  What is even more important is the comb.  If you have bees that have been in an area that is close to chemicals they can pack that into the comb and when they reuse the comb for honey year after year, it will expose the honey to those chemicals.  That is why we used virgin made comb right from the remote site.  But I am jumping a head a little bit.

Lets talk about “organic” honey for just a second.  Organic should mean that it has not been exposed to chemicals right?  Well it is virtually impossible to control what flowers bees get their nectar from, so unless you keep bees in a very large greenhouse, there is no organic honey really.  You can put your bees in better situations knowing they have a 5 mile max flight radius, but to really get close to organic, you have to do some pretty intense sight surveys.  Thankfully we are in the Pacific North West surrounded by hundreds of acres of National Park and ocean and have very little industrial activity.  So we can confidently target truly wild areas for our hives.

This year we were incredibly blessed to be able to find a location that was over 10 miles from any human.  Not only this but we were able to put our hives directly in the center of over 40 acres of dense fireweed!  

We started with new bees, virgin comb made onsite, no treatment, no mites, and immediate extraction to glass storage.   This all to ensure the best quality product imaginable.

So please enjoy this video to see our adventure to bring remotely sourced fireweed honey to you with the help of about 50,000 friends!  Now you can share with family and friends to see they honey you actually have in your bottle!

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